Theta States

The movie Theta States: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Theta States Movie trailer

Theta States MovieCheck out the official trailer of Theta States, the upcoming horror science-fiction movie written and directed by Manny Serrano and starring Tom Ryan, Erin Brown, Kathryn Lill, Tom Coll, Deana Demko, Bradley Creanzo, Patrick Devaney, Justin Dizon, Christopher J. Murphy, Henry William Oelkers, Samantha Quintana, and Loretta Vendetta:

Plot synopsis:
“Danny (Tom Ryan) is a long-term insomniac. He comes across an ad for the Audible Lucid Perceptions sleep clinic, run by the peculiar Dr. Zovnig (Tom Coll), and goes in for a consultation. The doctor gives him a small audio device, which generates brain-frequency-altering audio waves, intended to hypnotize Danny into a dream state. Upon the first treatment, Danny is cured and is now sleeping better than he ever has in his life. Danny starts to realize that although he may be able to sleep again, there could be something wrong. Nightmares haunt his sleep, with recurring hallucinations and blackouts while he’s awake. Is it all a side effect of the treatment, or is there some evil force at work, affecting Danny’s every move?”

There’s also a film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Theta States Movie Poster

Sometimes your nightmares become your reality.

The film has yet to get an official release date.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Theta States.