New in Town is an upcoming romantic comedy movie directed by Jonas Elmer. The film stars Renée Zellweger and Harry Connick Jr.. New In Town should be released on January 30, 2009.
This January
New In Town
“Lucy Hill (Renee Zellweger) is an ambitious, up and coming executive living in Miami. She loves her shoes, she loves her cars and she loves climbing the corporate ladder. When she is offered a temporary assignment in a town in Minnesota – in the middle of nowhere – to restructure a manufacturing plant, she jumps at the opportunity, knowing that a big promotion is close at hand. What begins as a straight forward job assignment becomes a life changing experience as Lucy discovers greater meaning in her life and most unexpectedly, the man of her dreams (Harry Connick, Jr.).”
A sophisticated girl from the city, newly arrived to a small country town, gets in love with a local countrified chap: that’s cliché! And the the plot is set in Minnesota, but the movie was actually filmed in Winnipeg and Selkirk, Canada…
But Renee Zellweger looks so sweet in her role that one can but forgive the flaws of the movie New In Town.
What about you: any interest in New In Town?
I am really excited to see this movie, it is set in my home town, New Ulm, MN although not filmed there…which sucks! I am sure it will be a total slam on small town Minnesota, but hey, how many people have ever heard of New Ulm!
Yeah, It’s awesome, at first I thought it was filmed at AMPI or something but it looks like it was filmed in Winnipeg.
I live in New Ulm, MN. Why does using the idea of New Ulm have anything relevant with this story? If you were going to use the name I believe you could have copied some of the landscape and architecture of the city. The city sign has absolutely nothing to do with New Ulm. I have never seen that sign in my life and I have lived here for 24 years. The amount of snow is not even close to being accurate for this area. We haven’t had snow cover like that since our Halloween blizzard in 1991. There also is no over pass like that one shown in the trailer. New Ulm is not a city that tolerates being made fun of either. If this is another film that depicts the citizens of my city like the movie Fargo you are going to piss of an entire community.
That being said, I believe the plot of the movie is alright. But next time you make a film about a small town in the Minnesota, Wisconsin and Dakota areas how about trying not to make the people sound like idiots and know a little more about the community.
The plant where she works appears to mimic Kraft Foods, as the pail of muck dumped over her head says Munch Foods. Also the beer bottle ‘resembles’ a Budweiser bottle, but they should have had a Schells beer bottle. I’m sure the town was not studied well enough when making this movie… bad on the scripter and producers part. I think it will be a funny comedy… but too bad they are following the same old “fargo” dialect. Where’s that German brogue? I wonder if the producers will bring out in the movie the German ethnicity New Ulm, Minnesota is noted for?
“ticky- tacky ticky-tacky HOY! HOY! HOY!”
I live in New Ulm. I am really excited for this movie to come out! I really hope they did do the ticky tacky… It wouldn’t be New Ulm without it!
I’ve lived in New Ulm for over 30 years and don’t worry about how we are portrayed. It looks like a fun movie and that’s the important thing. As with “Fargo,” we can live with a little exaggeration of our lifestyle in the interest of a good story.
New In Town was filmed right above Minnesota here in Manitoba last January and February before moving to Miami, Florida for more scenes. They did hit some even colder than normal weather but managed to keep going. The trailer looks pretty good and I like the new title better than the old one “Chilled In Miami.”
I go to school in New Ulm and I absolutely hate it here. I can’t wait for the movie to come out! I think it’s going to be hilarious!
It’s ZICKIE ZACKE, not ticky tacky! maybe you need to study our town a little more. The film’s going to be great exposure for New Ulm.
I have had the pleasure of visiting New Ulm several times in the last several years, and from what I had seen in the trailer, was at first a little offended. I have never met anyone there that even remotely resembles the ‘types’ shown in the movie, and have only met intelligent, gracious, wonderful people there. Of course, like Dan, I quickly realized it is indeed, just a story, and if having a little fun at the expense of the good people of New Ulm, preserves the qualities of the city by keeping Hollywood out, I’m all for it! The citizens of New Ulm have a gem, and they already know it!
Hey you guys!
My sister plays Harry Conic Jr.’s daughter in this movie!
She was so excited while filming, and when she went to her voice overs she got to see certian ‘clip its’!
The trailer looks AMAZING! And you can actually see her in it!
I’m SO EXCITED to watch this movie! It looks amazing :)
Here’s an email sent by a native of New Ulm currently living Rochester Minnesota:
Best of luck to you with the release of this movie! I look forward to seeing it!”
That’s a sad story, I’m sure the production company didn’t want to offend anyone. Hope they’ll listen to Suzanne.
More about this tragic accident on the Star Tribune of Minnesota –> here.
Hi there,
I live in Neu Ulm, Germany, twin city of New Ulm, and I’d really like to know what you mean with “ZICKIE ZACKE”.
We have kind of a battle cry here going “Zicke Zacke Zicke Zacke Hoi Hoi Hoi!” most often followed by “Ulmer Spatzen Wasserratzen Hoi Hoi Hoi” (Ulm sparrows, water rats) as it is usually used during the local river carnival, see e.g. –> Carnival Pictures from the German New Ulm
Do you have a similar tradition in New Ulm?
:-) Tille
I kind of hope this movie crashes and burns because I am really sick of that stupid Minnesota stereotype where we all talk like idiots and are shocked by them city folk and their city ways and sich. I mean seriously, I don’t know anyone under the age of 80 who talks like that IRL who isn’t doing it for laughs. I was born and raised in Minnesota and my Valley Girl accent is more believable than my Minnesota accent!
Also, maybe it’s because I live near New Ulm and work in town but I resent the fact that they didn’t film it in town. Is a little authenticity too much to ask? They’re probably going to have long panning shots of mountains in the distance, too, because everyone knows Minnesota is famed for its majestic mountains. Which don’t exist.
I am completely offended by this film! My family has lived in New Ulm, MN, for four generations and this trailer shows none of the goodness and beautiful of the city and its people. The accents are not even close to how people speak here–we are a GERMAN town, after all, not some Hollywood interpretation of Scandinavian-esque English. The writers, producers, and actors in this film should be ashamed of portraying good, honest, INTELLIGENT people the way they do. I will NOT see this movie, and I plan on telling everyone I know not to see it either. I will not money into the pockets of those who belittle small town America.
Um, yeah, I’m new in town too. Moved to Minnesota a year and a half ago and, well, sorry to break it to ya’ Minnesotans, but the stereotypes are so blatantly obvious when you move here from another region of the US! My sister saw this trailer yesterday and almost died laughing as it was EXACTLY as I described it to her! Can’t wait to see the movie!
I lived in a town called Blue Earth minnesota and it’s pretty close to new ulm. I now live in colorado. I want to see this movie really bad! Looks like stuff that really happens there…But when you move away you really miss it:-)
I thought this movie took place in Northern MN? Sorry to break it to you, but New Ulm is not Northern MN. I grew up in Duluth and southern MN is much more mild than Northern MN!
Yes, New Ulm uses the “Zicke Zacke Zicke Zacke Hoi Hoi Hoi!” cry during various festivals celebrating the German heritage. We (grew up there) also sing “Ein prosit…”
Just watched the trailer now. Looks like Bridget Jones with a MN accent instead of a Brittish one, maybe worth $1 from RedBox, not $10 at a theater.
umm well we say Ziggy Zaggy instead but it’s about the same (Hockey Cheer)
I saw this movie today and Renee’s fantastic! At first, I thought she and Harry don’t have chemistry but once I saw them both in the screen you can’t have better perfect match, they are both awesome and all the other characters have been great as well! Every seconds is exciting! Plus this movie relates to most corporate/union/down to earth people in real life. I will watch it again on January 30th.
I went to school in new ulm at MLC on and off for a while, and lived in new ulm for year while out of school. This movie looks likes it just going to totally butcher what new ulm is actually like. In regards to the people in the trailer no one talks like that. And in regards to other new ulm people complaining why wasn’t the movie filmed there, it’s simple. New Ulm S**kS! you wouldn’t even have enough hotel rooms for the movie crew. The only thing new ulm is good for is cheap ass beer. You should be thankful for our school on the Hill, because without it New Ulm would be an upgraded sleepy eye, or worse Evan! HA. Happiest day in my life was when i graduated and left that shitty German town.
rick, who the hell gave u the right to bash small town Minnesota, if it was so bad than why the hell did your dumb ass come to school here then, think before you start talking smack about something that you obviously know nothing about. If you wish to continue to degrade an bad mouth the area where I live an grew up then get ahold of me, we should meet up sometime and chit chat!
I just saw the trailer for this movie last night. The best part of the trailer was the New Ulm sign, the worst part was the rest of the trailer. My husband, son and I lived in New Ulm for six years. We loved our house in the valley and our house on the hill. The most visibly distinguishing parts of New Ulm to us are the river valley, the quaint downtown, Schell’s brewery and Hermann the German. What’s a movie set in New Ulm worth without those? Nothing.
By the way, our second home was a couple blocks from MLC on Hazelwood. The college students who babysat our son and that we ran into while out walking and shopping were always extraordinarily pleasant and friendly. I am sorry that you were unhappy in New Ulm, Rick. We moved from New Ulm to southern WI and were absolutely, positively miserable there.
Rick, perhaps you’d like to know that a movie was filmed a couple years ago in the small southwestern MN town (pop. 2,000) that I grew up in. I now live in eastern SD and a couple years ago there was also a movie (Into the Wild) filmed in an extremely small town (pop. 300?) west of here with Vince Vaughn as one of the actors. I don’t think New Ulm’s size had anything to do with them not filming the movie there.
The only person I know who talks like the people in this film is my 94 year old Norwegian grandfather.
I’m a long-term New Ulmer (-ite?). I think people are confused about what this film is meant to be. It is a fictional tale set in a town with the name of New Ulm, MN. It is not a documentary or a travelogue, highlighting the many fine things to see and enjoy in our town. If we want that kind of film, our Chamber of Commerce could pay to have it made.
Many New Ulmers may not realize it, but a film was shot here in town a number of years ago. It was titled, “Toilers & Wayfarers.” It has many recognizable scenes from our community. The film is the story of a gay love taking place in a small town setting.
If anyone wants to see shots of the “real” New Ulm, track down this film and you will be satisfied. Because of its theme, you won’t find many copies available. It was intended for the gay world.
New Ulm is probably one of the most unique cities in the United States…the greatest place in which to be born and raised!
But who in the world did the research for the movie?! The settlers were German farm people. The actors have Norwegian or Swedish accents. There’s a big difference between the two!
Great to see NU in the spotlight, though…even if it’s a bit convoluted
Rick- Thats not very Christian of you to talk that way for going to such a lutheran school… did you get out of your dorm room ever and look around? There are multiple large hotels in New Ulm. Who cares.
Zach- It IS actually Zicke Zacke… people who say otherwise don’t know German and are just drunkenly mumbling what they think all the people who are having fun are saying.
This is just a movie… nobody who isn’t from here or has even heard of New Ulm is going to care more than 2 seconds whether the town even exists or not.
what the hell? I thought maybe it’d be cute to see a movie set in MN but…wtf. Sorry but WE do NOT talk like that…those fake accents those people in the movie have are TERRIBLE. Yes, MN people might have a small accent but not to that extent…they sound retarded.
Well, I have to agree with mnkathy. I moved to MN from TX and will eventually move back. Minnesotans never hear their accents. And the stereotypes are so true. I’ve been here for 20 years and can still hear and see it. You guys need to just relax and enjoy being different. Besides, since when do people in movies get accents right? You should see how badly they mess up southern accents. There are all kinds of different dielects in the south but they all sound the same in the movies. Ive lived all over and there are hicks every where you go.
Except for the fact that FARGO had a good story, I was pretty insulted by the offbeat Minnesota “accent” that the characters used…especially the pregnant sheriff. This movie sounds like they did the same. We really don’t sound like that. Maybe when the Scandinavians were learning English back in the early 1900s, they did. And, if they are going to film a movie in Canada, then give them a Canadian town to use…or at least International Falls, MN if they want COLD.
to all new ulmites: I live in the lakes country in mn. and had the pleasure of visiting new ulm a couple of years ago. the Shell tour was great. the historical society was fantastic, and what amazed my wife and myself was how neat and clean your town was. I have never been in a nicer town. you have every right to be proud of your beautiful community
Just saw “NIT” at theater in New Ulm. My final take on it: Light-weight, predictable, easy-going— fun. Saw absolutely nothing to get upset about. What’s all the fuss?
I think it’s funny some people are getting so offended. My step-dad was born and raised in New Ulm and still has family there.
My mom, sister and I were busting up laughing during the trailer.
It’s a “comedy”… get over yourselves!
Just got back for seeing the movie.. It was wonderful. I may have to go see it again.
Seriously….I was brought up in New Ulm and now live in another state. Went to the movie the 2nd day it was out and it was cute and to me it didn’t make any fun of New Ulm. Now grant it they didn’t film any of it there which is a bummer, but it did put New Ulm on the map.
And as far as the New Ulm people and the way they talk?? Move away and then come back…the people in the movie did a great job on their accents. They also showed that New Ulm does have great down to earth people. So be Proud!!!
YA! New Ulm, now i’m pissed that it’s not even filmed there. I was born there and moved away but still consider it home. Still have family an everything there. Happend to be watching some previews when i saw this movie, about jumped out of my seat when I saw the New Ulm sign, but quickly thought I’ve never seen that sign either. So not filmed in New Ulm, doesn’t use Schells in any way. I’m not watching now, just not interested. But none the less….. whats up New Ulm miss ya even if i don’t know ya
I went to the movie it was great..Just wondering when it will be out on DVD…
Just finished watching the movie here. While it is fiction and meant to be romantic comedy, I would say some research and due diligence would have made the movie better. For instance, there is a scene where downtown, a sign says the most German town in U.S.A. or close to it… but the stereotypical Norse accents are used predominately. Funny, but people notice little things. Oh, the other item, was the union representative was covering SE Minnesota, when the film was set in northern Minnesota. The same union representative said he moved to New Ulm to be close to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, again not in Northern MN.
Otherwise, its probably just as well to not model the town of New Ulm to closely without filming there. But that would have been super neat too.
What’s the name of the girl who gets sad because of her ugly hair and later go on a date with a boy? please tell me the real name or the name she uses on the movie.