Public Enemies Movie Pictures

Johnny Depp vs. Christian Bale - Public Enemies

Michael Mann is working on Public Enemies, a new gangster period movie starring Christian Bale and Johnny Depp respectively as FBI agent Melvin Purvis and Gangster John Dillinger. Take a look to those pictures of the movie Public Enemies:

Public Enemies Pictures

(Click on a picture to enlarge it.)

Johnny Depp in Public Enemies Christian Bale - Public Enemies Movie

Take your side: are you with the Dark Knight or with Jack Sparrow?

In real life I’d sign for sending John Dilinger to the electric chair, but in this movie, I can but take his side if his role is played by Johnny Depp: Depp is a so much better actor than Christian Bale!

Don’t miss the movie Public Enemies in July 2009!

5 Responses - “Public Enemies Movie Pictures”


    I hope this movie does follow the History Channel’s lead and show the shootout with Baby Face Nelson as happening in Lake Geneva,Wisconsin. This is TOTALLY false. As per both the Des Moines Register (July 25, 2008) and the New York Times Bestseller Public Enemies by Bryan Burroughs (published in 2004) Baby Face Nelson was killed in a shootout by FBI agents Sam Cowley and Herman “Eddie” Hollis in Barrington, Illinois.

    You may ask why is this important to me. It is because my Grandfather who was a lifelong resident of Barrington used to take out of town guests to see bullet holes from the gunfight. Also FBI Agent Herman “Eddie” Hollis was from my hometown of Des Moines, Iowa. FBI Agents Cowley and Hollis were not given the recognition they deserve by the History Channel. They both shot Nelson during the gunfight. They died and so did Nelson whose body was dumped in a Niles Center, Illinois cemetery.

    Douglas A. Craft

  2. amelia

    johnny depp is f*ckin’ cool!

  3. MorganBia

    NO ONE can come close to Johnny Depp’s talent and performances EVER !

  4. johanna

    I think this film will be one of the best films of 2009! Because Michael Mann is a great director and Johnny Depp is absolutely one of the best actors off all times!!!
    I can´t wait to see his performance on this film!

  5. Rob1911A1

    Re: Douglass Craft comments:
    I worked on Public Enemies as a stand-in. My shooting schedule did not include any mention of Baby Face Nelson; all of my stuff was with Dillinger/Depp and Purvis/Bale. Michael Mann is a stickler for detail, and as the film is based on the highly-regarded Burroughs book you can rest assured that if there are Baby-Face Nelson scenes that they will be authentic.