Rio is an upcoming animated movie by Fox and Bluesky the creators of the Ice Age trilogy. The story revolves around Blu, a nerdy macaw from small-town Minnesota, who takes off on an adventure to Rio de Janeiro. The film will be released on April 8, 2011.
Here’s the first official movie trailer of Rio:
“Set in the magnificent city of Rio de Janeiro and the lush rainforest of Brazil, the comedy-adventure centers on Blu, a rare macaw who thinks he is the last of his kind. When Blu discovers there’s another – and that she’s a she – he leaves the comforts of his cage in small town Minnesota and heads to Rio. But it’s far from love at first sight between the domesticated and flight-challenged Blu and the fiercely independent, high-flying female, Jewel.
Unexpectedly thrown together, they embark on an adventure of a lifetime, where they learn about friendship, love, courage, and being open to life’s many wonders. Rio brings together a menagerie of vivid characters, a heart-warming story, colourful backdrops, energising Latin and contemporary music, and family-friendly song and dance.”
I already love the music, and those lovely parrots are cute. Sign me up for the movie Rio!