Robert Pattinson Breaking Dawn

Twilight 4 MovieActor Robert Pattinson, who plays the role of the vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight Saga, talked about Breaking Dawn aka Twilight 4 which will be directed by Bill Condon:

Breaking Dawn Trailer

“I’m glad that it’s Bill Condon. I love his stuff. I haven’t seen the script yet but I am fearful about the series’ end. It’s such a great security blanket. It’s like a net. You can afford to make mistakes when you have another Twilight film to make. After that, I guess you’re on your own.
I’m playing a dad in some scenes in Breaking Dawn and I’m portraying one in a movie I’m doing now as well. I’m terrified about doing it. I don’t know what I’m going to do when it comes to those scenes. I’ve been complaining so much about having the makeup on and contact lenses.”

Actor Robert Pattinson

Yep, that’s right: Robert Pattinson is going to be father in the movie Twilight Breaking Dawn. His wife Bella (Kristen Stewart) will give birth to Renesmee, a really special baby girl.

2 Responses - “Robert Pattinson Breaking Dawn”

  1. Jennifer

    I really want to see this movie. I can hardly wait. I am curious to where they will split the movie at. I hope they follow the book to the tee. Don’t leave anything out. That has been the biggest disappointment so far in the movies is that there is so much being left out.

  2. mohammad alwhoosh

    this movie is remarkable and i need to thank bella she dazzles me