Robin Hood Movie (2018)

Two new international posters for Robin Hood, the upcoming action adventure movie starring Taron Egerton:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)


Plot synopsis:
“Robin of Loxley (Taron Egerton) a war-hardened Crusader and his Moorish commander (Jamie Foxx) mount an audacious revolt against the corrupt English crown in a thrilling action-adventure packed with gritty battlefield exploits, mind-blowing fight choreography, and a timeless romance.”

And a new behind-the-scenes featurette:

Robin Hood Featurette – Sizzle

Well, there’s no denying that they did create their own version of Robin Hood’s world… and one can see Taron Egerton had much fun shooting arrows around. But am still not convinced by what I’ve seen from the film so far… And you?

Release date: November 21, 2018 (in theaters).

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