Sam Rockwell Gentlemen Broncos

20th Century Fox has released a funny behind-the-scenes clip of Gentlemen Broncos, the clip features Sam Rockwell:

Gentlemen Broncos – Sam Rockwell
Actor Sam Rockwell practices sweet moves with his character’s ray gun for the film Gentlemen Broncos.

Sam Rockwell is cast as the fictional story’s title character who appears in book-come-to-life sequences under two guises: one in the teenager’s story and the other in Chevalier’s story.

The movie Gentlemen Broncos hit theaters on October 30, 2009.

One Response - “Sam Rockwell Gentlemen Broncos”

  1. Daniel

    Question on the release date. I see October 30 limited release on some sites and ‘hit theatres on October 30’ on others. Will it in fact be in most if not all theatres, or just a select few?