Singularity Movie

Singularity MovieCheck out the official plot synopsis of Singularity (aka Aurora), the upcoming science-fiction thriller movie directed by Robert Kouba and starring John Cusack, Julian Schaffner, Jeannine Wacker, Carmen Argenziano, and Eileen Grubba:

Plot synopsis:
“In 2020, Elias van Dorne (John Cusack), CEO of VA Industries, the world’s largest robotics company, introduces his most powerful invention–Kronos, a super-computer designed to end all wars. When Kronos goes online, it quickly determines that mankind, itself, is the biggest threat to world peace and launches a worldwide robot attack to rid the world of the “infection” of man.
Ninety-seven years later, a small band of humans remain alive but on the run from the robot army. A teenage boy, Andrew (Julian Schaffner) and teenage girl, Calia (Jeannine Wacker), form an unlikely alliance to reach a new world where it is rumored mankind exists without fear of robot persecution. But does this world actually exist? And will they live long enough to find out?”

Some earlier material from the film’s kickstarter:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Aurora - Singularity

The project has since been co-opted by Voltage pictures.

The film has yet to get an official release date.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Singularity.

One Response - “Singularity Movie”

  1. John

    About time we get a update on this film. All aurora related info has disappeared from the web. Aurorafilm dot com, vantage pictures the original studio wiped all info. The kick starter page for aurora has been silent except for paid backers. Wish Robert kupra or vantage pictures or now voltage pictures would give us some official news.