You’ve probably heard about it by now: Disney bought LucasFilm hence becoming the new owner of the Star Wars franchise. And they’re already planning anew franchise! Star Wars 7 should be released in theaters sometime in 2015.
A few words from George Lucas about the sale:
For the past 35 years, one of my greatest pleasures has been to see ‘Star Wars’ passed from one generation to the next. It’s now time for me to pass ‘Star Wars’ on to a new generation of filmmakers. Disney’s experience gives Lucasfilm the opportunity to blaze new trails in film, television, interactive media, theme parks, live entertainment, and consumer products.
Any idea what could be the plot of this new Star Wars movie? Hoping for zombies to show up maybe?

Or do you expect Mickey to get a role?

Whatever it will be it will have a musical number in it for sure! It isn’t Disney if it doesn’t have a song to market.
Yeah, unfortunately!
the avengers was made from a disney owned company and that was really good and full of action it shows they can make a good sci fi film and the avengers wasnt a musical so your point is invalid James
I agree Disney only chooses to incorporate musicals into original movies, avengers is the most recent example but several of the recent marvel movies including iron man and Thor have been made after they were purchased by Disney.
I personally think that they should base it off of Force Unleashed the game
If would be unlikely for that to happen as the story of the force unleashed comes before the events of episode 4 while the first Death Star is under construction.
As Long as it’s not too Disney, needs to be along the same concept as what’s already been done.
I am totally looking forward to this I wonder if Han solo and princess lea got married and had little jedi’s and if Luke found someone to I’m not trying to be funny I just think that it would be interesting if they showed their children how to become a Jedi knight too so that’s why I ask will they continue with the storyline where they left off so bring it on let’s see star wars 7
If you read the books, Leia Marries Han and has 3 children 2 of which die. Luke marries Mara Jade and has one child before she dies.
Personally I would like to see Disney follow the story line that the books have already put in place. There is already close to 30 years of the timeline explained in the books, it would be a shame to see it all destroyed.
There is no way Disney is messing this up and I for one, am EXTREMELY excited for this. Let me explain. One, I’ve always felt shafted from every movie in the franchise. Acting was usually sub-par, crappy production, bad everything (but that is what is so good about it…ill pass). Disney has proven it’s meddle in the live-action genre time and time again. I’m not sure if they will incorporate a singing number, unless it’s an anthem. Remember, George is still associated with the story. Disney isn’t going to go their own direction, that would be suicide, Lucas is still right there with them, just because he doesn’t own LucasFilms does not mean he isn’t working for them.
I’m promising that they will NOT disappoint.