The La Llorona Curse Movie trailer

Take a look to this new poster of The La Llorona Curse (previously titled “Her Cry: La Llorona Investigation”), the “upcoming” horror movie directed by Damir Catic based on a script he co-wrote with Ron Gelner and starring Nichole Ceballos, James Ezrin, Ron Gelner, Everardo Guzman, Parker Riggs, and Gabrielle Santamauro:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

The La Llorona Curse Movie Poster

Hide the children!

Plot synopsis:
“A television crew investigates a home where alleged paranormal sightings of La Llorona (The Crying Woman) have occurred. Soon, the group finds themselves in a life or death fight as one of the world’s oldest urban legends comes to life before their eyes.”

And here’s the movie trailer:


The release date of the movie is set to April 9, 2019 (distributed by Wild Eye Releasing).

The film is actually a re-release 9 (it first had a limited release back in 2013 under the title “Her Cry: La Llorona Investigation”). And yep, they’re piggybacking on the release of The Curse Of La Llorona, lol.

Stay tuned with us for more details.

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