The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 Preview Clip

Breaking Dawn Movie - The Twilight sagaA new preview clip of The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 has surfaced online, watch it below:

Breaking Dawn Trailer

Twilight 4 Breaking Dawn – Something old, something blue
Bel­la’s par­ents, Charlie and Renee, pre­sent a very spe­cial gift to Bel­la as she gets ready for the wed­ding.

It’s a beautiful diamond comb for her hair, and the Swans have added sapphires so it is not just “something old,” but also “something blue” for the bride.

One Response - “The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 Preview Clip”

  1. pheobe

    this is the best twilight yet. romance, action, and a very awesome story line. if you haven’t seen breaking dawn yet you’re missing out. go see it now.