Trailer and Poster of Carrie Pilby starring Bel Powley

Carrie PilbyYou may watch below a new trailer of Carrie Pilby, the upcoming drama comedy movie directed by Susan Johnson and starring Bel Powley:

Plot synopsis:
“Carrie Pilby (Bel Powley) is a genius who graduated Harvard at 18. Convinced that the world is populated by oversexed hypocrites, she has a hard time making sense of life as it relates to morality, relationships, sex and leaving her apartment. In an effort to coax Carrie out of her shell, her psychiatrist (Nathan Lane), makes a deceptively simple checklist of goals for her to achieve between Thanksgiving and the year’s end. Each goal brings Carrie closer to the understanding that humans, like books, can’t be judged by their covers.”

Is she borderline autistic? Suffering from Asperger Syndrome? Or just socially awkward?

Two new posters have also been unveiled, take a look below:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)


Live your life before it passes you by.

The movie Carrie Pilby will open in theaters on March 31, 2017, and will be released on VOD on April 4, 2017.

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