Trailer and Poster of Falcon Rising

You may watch below the official trailer of Falcon Rising, an upcoming action movie directed by Ernie Barbarash and starring Michael Jai White, Neal McDonough, Laila Ali, Lateef Crowder, Hazuki Kato, Masashi Odate, and Millie Ruperto:


There are moments in life you canā€™t forget.

Unbreakable bonds we are sworn to protect.

ā€œChapman is an ex-marine in Brazilā€™s slums, battling the yakuza outfit who attacked his sister and left her for dead.ā€

Those Brazilian yakuza will taste the edge of their own swords!

Hereā€™s the film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


Meet John ā€œFalconā€ Chapman, Americaā€™s new action action hero.

The release date of Falcon Rising is set to September 4, 2014.

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