Triassic World Movie trailer

Triassic World MovieYou may watch below the first trailer of Triassic World, the latest science-fiction thriller movie from The Asylum directed by Dylan Vox and starring Shellie Sterling, Joseph Harris, Hayley J. Williams, and Thomas Varga:


Get out or get eaten!

Plot synopsis:
“Dinosaurs are back, used as the perfect animals to grow human organs for transplants. But in doing so, scientists have made them all but indestructible, leaving humans scrambling to fight back when the creatures escape a research lab.”

Why did they bring those dinosaurs back to life? They’re dinosaurs are as smart as humans! They’re a real threat to mankind…

Anyway, here’s a new poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Triassic World New Poster

Some things should remain extinct!

Release date: June 19,2018 (on VOD and DVD).

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