The Sisters Brothers Movie
An official plot synopsis for The Sisters Brohthers, the upcoming western movie directed by Jacques Audiard based on a script he co-wrote with Thomas Bidegain and Patrick Dewitt:
Plot synopsis:
“Based on Patrick DeWitt’s novel, The Sisters Brothers revolves around the colorfully named gold prospector Hermann Kermit Warm (Jake Gyllenhaal), who’s being pursued across 1000 miles of 1850s Oregon desert to San Francisco by the notorious assassins Eli and Charlie Sisters (John C. Reilly and Joaquin Phoenix). Except Eli is having a personal crisis and beginning to doubt the longevity of his chosen career. And Hermann might have a better offer.”
Have you read the novel the film is based on? Why are they pursuing him?
The cast includes Jake Gyllenhaal, Joaquin Phoenix, Carol Kane, Riz Ahmed, John C. Reilly, Rutger Hauer, Creed Bratton, JĂłhannes Haukur Johannesson, Niels Arestrup, Ian Reddington, Lexie Benbow-Hart, Rebecca Root, Aldo Maland, Sean Duggan, Nick Cornwall, Philip Rosch, Raymond Waring, Eric Colvin, Aidan O’Hare, Theo Exarchopoulos, and Gerard Cooke.
The film has yet to get an official release date.
Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie The Sisters Brothers.