Untogether Movie

A first official look at Jemima Kirke and Jamie Dornan in Untogether, the upcoming romantic drama movie written an directed by Emma Forrest:

(Click on the picture to enlarge.)

Andrea (Jemima Kirke) and Nick (Jamie Dornan) get closer in UNTOGETHER.

Plot synopsis:
“The film follows the affair between Andrea (Jemima Kirke), a former teen prodigy turned heroin addict who is trying to be a writer now that she’s sober, and Nick (Jamie Dornan), a writer who’s found success with his memoir of war-time bravery, which sees him showered in wealth and women. Meanwhile, Andrea’s little sister, Tara (Lola Kirke), finds her solid relationship with her older boyfriend, Martin (Ben Mendelsohn), shaken when she is drawn to a charismatic rabbi, David (Billy Crystal), with an even larger age gap.”

There’s more chemistry on this picture than in the entire Fifty Shades movie franchise!

Besides Jamie Dornan and Jemima Kirke, the cast also includes Lola Kirke, Ben Mendelsohn, Billy Crystal, Alice Eve, Jennifer Grey, and Scott Caan.

The film has yet to get an official release date.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Untogether.

Update – Additional pictures:

(Click on a picture to enlarge.)

Untogether Film (1)


One Response - “Untogether Movie”

  1. Courtney

    When and where will I be able to see this movie after the Tribeca Film Festival? Will it come out to theaters or is it an HBO or Netflix thing?