Us and Them Movie

We’ve just spotted those three posters of Us and Them, the upcoming thriller movie written and directed by Joseph Martin and starring Jack Roth, Tim Bentinck, Andrew Tiernan, and Sophie Colquhoun:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)

Us And Them Movie PosterUS AND THEM

The system is corrupt. The game is rigged. The time to play is now.

There have to be victims on both sides.

Plot synopsis:
“When young, disenfranchised Danny (Jack Roth) confronts wealthy banker, Conrad (Tim Bentinck), he plans to teach him a lesson he’ll never forget. Forced to gamble with the lives of his family, Conrad has the tables turned on him and all hell breaks loose.”

And this funny preview clip from the film:

Us and Them – Seven toilets!

Plus a few pictures from the film:

(Click on a picture to enlarge.)

The release date of the movie Us and Them is set to April 23, 2017 (in the UK).

Do you side with the bankers and his family or with the vengeful working class chap?

Stay tuned with us for more details.

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