Director Byron Howard is working on Zootopia, an upcoming action adventure CG animated movie produced by Walt Disney Animation. Take a look to this official concept art picture:
“A fast-talking fox, named Nick Wilde, lives in the animal city of Zootopia, divided in neighborhoods like Tundratown, Sahara Square, Little Rodenta, and Burrowborough. Nick goes on the run when he’s framed for a crime he didn’t commit. Zootopia’s top cop, a self-righteous rabbit, named Lt. Judy Hops, is hot on his tail, but when both become targets of a conspiracy, they’re forced to team up and discover even natural enemies can become best friends.”
The film logo and a few more pictures have also surfaced online:
The release date of Zootopia is set to March 4, 2016.
Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Zootopia!