3 Clips of Monster Family

Monster FamilyWe’ve got our hands on three preview clips of Monster Family (aka Happy Family), the upcoming fantasy family animated movie directed by Holger Tappe and featuring the voices of Emily Watson, Jason Isaacs, Nick Frost, Jessica Brown Findlay, Celia Imrie, and Catherine Tate:

Monster Family – you will be transformed into monsters!

Monster Family – Let me show you the tropes

Monster Family – Do you have a cage for the dog?
Plot synopsis:
“The Wishbone family is far from happy. With a struggling bookshop, an overworked husband, and two misunderstood teenagers, Emma is at her wit’s end trying to be the perfect mom. After dragging her family to a costume party on Halloween night, they are cursed by an evil witch and transformed into a Vampire, a Mummy, a Werewolf, and Frankenstein’s monster. Now Emma will fight to keep her Monster Family together and uncover the secret of their curse… eventually leading them to the Prince of Darkness himself, Dracula!”

The Monster Family is one happy family!

There’s also a new poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Monster Family Movie Poster

The US release date of the movie Monster Family is set to February 9, 2018.

Update – New posters:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)

Monster Family UK PosterMonster Family Thai Poster


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