Angry Birds

Angry Birds MovieAngry Birds
Genre: Animation/Comedy/Fantasy
Directed by:
Release Date:TBA 2013

More Information at: Angry Birds Trailer

2 Responses - “Angry Birds”

  1. coop

    i think it would be interesting but flinging birds at pigs would get boring after a while, and all the characters would die…….
    let’s hope for a good director :)

  2. Quinzel

    Sorry what o.O

    OK right, it’s bad enough that people make bad films out of decent games… But making a bad film out of short game with a minor storyline is just plain stupid o.O

    You’ll get the idiots of this era bothering to watch it i suppose. You know, the types that are only held together by social networking sites, iPhone apps and anything else thats the new 5minute must-have… sigh!!