BraveStorm Movie Poster

Take a look to this new poster of BraveStorm, the upcoming action science-fiction movie written and directed by Junya Okabe:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


Plot synopsis:
“In the year 2050 mankind is all but extinct on Earth. The last survivors, the five Kasuga brothers, plan to use a time machine to exterminate the evil Kyrgyz before he invades Earth. With Kyrgyz’s plan for his giant robot in hand, the brothers travel back in time and build a robot of their own: The Red Baron, the last hope of stopping Kyrgyz and saving the future of mankind.”

So, that chap is bringing tiny curvy knives to a fight of giant robots?

Here’s the movie trailer of BraveStorm if you haven’t seen it yet:

Japanese release date: November 10, 2017.

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