Thanks to IFC Films, here’s the first official picture of the upcoming remake of the horror movie Cabin Fever:
“A flesh-eating virus makes a meal of 5 teens on spring break in a remote wood cabin in this update of Eli Roth’s classic gorefest, with all-new characters and all-new kills.”
A few words from Eli Roth about the remake:

Filmmaker Eli Roth
And here’s an earlier teaser poster:
The film is directed by Travis Zariwny and produced by Eli Roth. The cast includes Gage Golightly, Matthew Daddario, Nadine Crocker, Dustin Ingram, Samuel Davis, and Randy Schulman.
The release date of the remake of Cabin Fever is set to February 12, 2016.
Anyway, here’s the movie trailer of the original Cabin Fever movie if you haven’t see it: