Captain Dad Movie

Captain Dad movieCheck out the official plot synopsis of Captain Dad, the upcoming comedy movie written and directed by Chilean Filmmaker Sebastian Silva and starring Will Ferrell, Michael Cera, Catherine Keener and Jack Kilmer:

Plot synopsis:
“Rich Peelman (Will Ferrell), the patriarch of a wealthy American family who in celebration of his wife’s (Catherine Keener) birthday, books a lavish holiday island hopping through the Caribbean for her, their grown children and respective partners.
Obstinate, competitive and with a confidence in his own sailing abilities that are out of sync with reality, Rich is determined that the vacation be run on his terms. But things do not go according to plan. His own exploding mid-life crisis, and the differing needs and personalities of the Peelman clan raise tensions and brings epic drama to the family vacation.”

Actor Will Ferrell is definitely fit for the role, I bet it’s going to be hilarious.

There’s no official release date yet.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Captain Dad.

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