Clara’s Ghost Movie Trailer

Clara's Ghost Movie 2018Check out the first official trailer of Clara’s Ghost, the upcoming drama comedy thriller movie directed by Bridey Elliott and starring Chris Elliott, Abby Elliott, Bridey Elliott, Paula Niedert Elliott, Haley Joel Osment, Isidora Goreshter, and Larry Fessenden:

Plot synopsis;
“Ted Reynolds, an aging comedian, copes with his fading fame by living a quiet life away from the spotlight with his wife Clara in rural New England. When they invite their two daughters — a pair of former child stars — home to celebrate the family dog’s birthday, the vodka-loving clan devolves into a drunken mess. While Ted and his daughters rehash old wounds, Clara finds herself face to face with a supernatural spirit that only she can see.”

This isn’t going to en well, lol!

The release date of the movie is set to:
– in theaters: December 6, 2018;
– on VOD and Digital: December 7, 2018.

Stay tuned for updates.

Update – A film clip:

Clara’s Ghost – What does family mean to you?

And a poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Clara's Ghost Poster


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