Dante’s Inferno Movie Trailer

Dante's Inferno MovieHere’s the movie trailer of Dante’s Inferno, an upcoming series of animated short films based on the video game of the same name by Electronic Arts:


Dante embarks on a bloody journey in Hell!

The movie Dante’s Inferno will be released on Blu-ray and DVD in February 2010.

4 Responses - “Dante’s Inferno Movie Trailer”

  1. xino


    game is sick too!
    I’ll get it over God of War 3!

  2. ron

    why not have steven spielberg come up with the real thing? THE DIVINE COMEDY . wouldn’t that be awesome?

  3. BlueBirdy

    the hell is this?
    Why can’t Dante’s Inferno ever be turned into a live action movie? really!

  4. alice

    this should definitely be taken to the next level and make into a ‘real’ movie that would be sooo sick.!