Dead West Movie trailer

Dead West MovieYou may watch below the first official trailer of Dead West, the upcoming horror thriller movie written and directed by Jeff Ferrell and starring Jeffrey Arrington, Brian Sutherland, Meagan Karimi-Naser, Aurelio Voltaire, and Michael Joseph Draper:

Plot synopsis:
“A charismatic serial killer embarks on a murderous cross-country road trip in search of true love. Along the way he meets and kills several women whom he deems unworthy, eluding capture from the authorities by moving from one town to the next. When the brother of one of his victims decides to track the Ladykiller down to get vigilante justice, a revenge-fueled chase ensues. Along the way, the Ladykiller finally meets the girl of his dreams. He rescues her from a tough life, and they fall in love. But will they live happily ever after?”

And here’s the film poster, take a look below:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


Revenge never dies.

The Ladykiller will never find redemption, justice must be served!

The release date of the movie Dead West is set to February 7, 2017 (on DVD).

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