Jumbo Movie trailer

Jumbo MovieHere’s the official trailer of Jumbo, the upcoming low-budget CGI animated movie from Wownow Entertainment featuring the voices of Maria Petrano, Jacob Tyler, Thomas Carr, Chen Tsung And Carmen Piroli:

Plot synopsis:
“Spring has sprung! And for Jumbo, the town elephant, it means only one thing: its time for the annual fair spelling bee contest! Along with his best pals, Tiny and Weldon, Jumbo trains overtime for the big event – because he knows itll be tough to beat the towns genius student, Bert, whos never misspelled a word! Berts uncle and local business tycoon, Mr. Hollis, is not happy that an elephant will be competing against his prized nephew, so he enlists the help of a jungle ‘word doctor – the big bad wolf Magnus – to prescribe a curse that causes Jumbo to completely lose his memory! Saddened by his inability to remember even the simplest things, Jumbo resigns himself to defeat…but, his friends refuse to give up! So, the faithful trio bands together to locate a reclusive ancient dinosaur named Big T, whose awesome mind stretches back to the very dawn of time itself, and who can cure even the toughest memory loss! Will Jumbo regain his memory in time for the spelling bee? And, if he does, can he beat that smarty pants frog, Bert? Get yourself a ticket to the fair, and step right up to find out!”

There’s also a film poster, take a look below:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Jumbo Movie Poster

This elephant’s got a nose for adventure!

This is not Dumbo. But is it better than Bigfoot and Bugged.

The release date of the movie is set to May 14, 2019 (on DVD).

Stay tuned with us for more details.

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