Quanta Movie
Here’s a first official look at Quanta, the upcoming science-fiction drama movie written and directed by Nathan Dalton and starring Mark Redpath, Antony Talia, Philip Hayden, Candice Leask, Christina-Rose Cavaleri, and Sunny Koll:
“George (Mark Redpath), a middle-aged physicist, reluctantly takes on a 20-something with Asperger syndrome, Tom (Antony Talia), for a research project exploring dark radiation and the revolutionary properties contained within. When they accidentally direct their receiver to the skies, a wealth of data is received proving that intelligent life exists outside of our solar system.
The discovery divides them as each has their own idea of what to do with the almost limitless information. In secrecy, Tom implants the knowledge into himself acquiring almost limitless knowledge of the universe. This leads to a media scandal, careers and relationships destroyed and lives threatened. Eventually George destroys his creation to protect humanity, while Tom connects with another human being for the first time.”
There’s also a film poster, take a look below:
Intelligent life is out there.
The film has yet to get an official release date.
Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Quanta.