One Under the Sun Movie Trailer
You may watch below the official trailer of One Under the Sun, the upcoming science-fiction mystery thriller movie directed by Vincent Tran and Riyaana Hartley based on a script by Katherine Tomlinson and Vincent Tran and starring Pooja Batra, Gene Farber, Ava Cantrell, and Michael Keeley:
Imagine you have a power the world has never seen.
Imagine a day without war
“Astronaut Kathryn Voss (Pooja Batra), sole survivor of a disastrous space shuttle mission, is a distraught mother desperate to reunite with her terminally ill daughter but becomes a wanted fugitive after discovering she possesses an extraordinary gift.”
And here’s the film poster:
It kind of reminds me of the TV series Extant. Anyway, am hooked! And you?
The film has yet to get an official release date;