13 Cameras

The movie 13 Cameras: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

13 Cameras Movie

We’ve got our hands on two new posters for 13 Cameras, the upcoming horror drama thriller movie written and directed by Victor Zarcoff that transposes Peeping Tom into the modern era:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)


Change your locks!

Plot synopsis:
“Claire and Ryan, a newlywed couple, move into a new house across the country, only to find out that their marital issues are the least of their problems. Unbeknownst to them, their grim and lascivious landlord has been spying on them from day one.”

Have you ever met a landlord as creepy as the one from the film?

Here’s the movie trailer of 13 Cameras if you haven’t seen it yet: Continue reading »

13 Cameras Movie Trailer

13 Cameras MovieCheck out the official trailer of 13 Cameras (previously titled Slumlord), the upcoming horror drama thriller movie written and directed by Victor Zarcoff and starring Neville Archambault, Brianne Moncrief, and PJ McCabe:

Plot synopsis:
“Newlyweds, Ryan (PJ McCabe) and Claire (Brianne Moncrief), move into a new house across the country, only to find out that their marital issues are the least of their problems. Unbeknownst to them, their grim and lascivious landlord (Neville Archambault) has been spying on them from day one.”

Here’s an earlier poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

13 Cameras Movie - Slumlord Movie

What a creepy landlord! With his yucky face he looks like a giant maggot…

The release date of 13 Cameras is set to April 15, 2016 (in theaters and on VOD).