Adventureland is an upcoming comedy / drama movie written and directed by Greg Mottola who once brought us Superbad. The film is starring Ryan Reynolds, Kristen Stewart (from Twilight), Jesse Eisenberg, and Martin Starr. It should be released on March 27, 2009
exciting career opportunities
on-the-job training
inspiring leadership
from the director Surperbad
the worst job ever
the best time of his life
This Spring
“It’s the summer of 1987 and James Brennan, a recent college graduate is looking for a job. He finds the local amusement park and learns it’s the perfect course to prepare him for the real world.” (Source: Wikipedia)
Summer Jobs give a glimpse of real life to teenagers, that’s a good thing. But well, real life just s**ks sometimes…
By the way Kristen Stewart looks really cute in the movie Adventureland, much more beautiful than in Twilight actually!