
The movie Agent: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Agent Movie Trailer

Agent MovieYou may watch below the first official trailer of Agent, the upcoming action science-fiction thriller movie written and directed by Derek Ting and starring Derek Ting, Marikah Cunningham, Eric Keitel, Olivia Hultgren, Terrance Christopher Jones, Carole Weyers, Danny Parker-Lopes, Joe Fidler, Tim Garris, Urs Inauen, Anthony Oh, Stephen Dunford, Talia K. Dillingham, Thomas Vu, and Joyce Yung:

Plot synopsis:
“The Pyramids, Stonehenge… How were these ancient structures built? A group of friends take an instructional firearms course and unlock an ancient power challenging their friendship and the fate of the world.
A group of friends go to the desert for a gun instruction course and accidentally unleash a power so great it overwhelms them where they must choose between family and friends versus the fate of the world.”

There’s also a film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Agent Movie Poster

The release date of the movie Agent is set to March 27, 2017.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Agent.