Alex Strangelove

The movie Alex Strangelove: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Alex Strangelove Movie Trailer

Alex Strangelove MovieYou may watch below the first official trailer of Alex Strangelove, the upcoming comedy movie written and directed by Craig Johnson and starring Daniel Doheny, Antonio Marziale, Madeline Weinstein, Isabella Amara, Nik Dodani, Daniel Zolghadri, William Ragsdale, and Joanna Adler:


Before you find love you must find yourself.

Plot synopsis:
“High school senior Alex Truelove (Daniel Doheny) has it all – the grades, the girlfriend (Madeline Weinstein), and the motley crew of hilarious friends. Everything is smooth sailing until Alex shares that he’s decided to part ways with his virginity – and meets Elliott (Antonio Marziale), a sweet and confident gay boy who isn’t shy about his instant crush on Alex…who may or may not feel the same. Rocketed into a endearing and amusing journey of sexual and self-exploration, Alex ultimately learns that like so much of growing up, love can be confusing. And that’s okay.”

Do you think love is strange?

Anyway, there’s also a film poster, take a look below:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Alex Strangelove Movie Poster

Love can be confusing.

The release date of the movie Alex Strangelove is set to June 8, 2018.

Stay tuned with us for more details.