Always Shine

The movie Always Shine: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Clip of Always Shine starring Mackenzie Davis and Caitlin FitzGerald

Always ShineWe’ve got our hands on a preview clip of of Always Shine, the latest drama thriller movie directed by Sophia Takal:

Always Shine – Jealous
Plot synopsis:
“Best friends Anna and Beth take a weekend trip to Big Sur, hopeful to re-establish a bond broken by years of competition and jealousy. Tensions mount, however, leading to an unexpected yet inevitable confrontation, changing both of their lives…forever.”

Who do you prefer: Mackenzie Davis or Caitlin FitzGerald? Why?

Release date: November 25, 2016.

Always Shine Movie Trailer

Always Shine MovieCheck out the official trailer of Always Shine, the upcoming drama thriller movie directed by Sophia Takal based on a script by Lawrence Michael Levine and starring Mackenzie Davis, and Caitlin FitzGerald:

Plot synopsis:
“Two friends, both actresses (Mackenzie Davis and Caitlin FitzGerald), leave Los Angeles for Big Sur embarking on a weekend getaway to reconnect. Once alone, however, the two women’s suppressed jealousies and deep-seated resentments bubble to the surface, causing them to lose grasp not just of the true nature of their relationship, but also of their own identities.

There are also two film posters:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)


So we’re in for an intense cat fight, right?

The release date of the movie Always Shine is set to December 25, 2016.