Black Hollow Cage

The movie Black Hollow Cage: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Black Hollow Cage Trailer

Black Hollow Cage FilmThere’s a new trailer for Black Hollow Cage, the upcoming drama horror science-fiction thriller movie written and directed by Sadrac González-Perellón:

Plot synopsis:
“A girl who lives secluded in a house in the woods with the only company of her father and a wolfhound finds among the trees a mysterious cubic device with the ability to change the past.”

What is that black hollow cube? Is it related to the monoliths from Arthur C. Clarke’s Space Odyssey? lol!

Anyway, a new poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


Repeat your sins.

The cast incldues Daniel M. Jacobs, Julian Nicholson, Marc Puiggener, Lucy Tillett, Lowena McDonell, Haydée Lysander, and Will Hudson.

No official release date yet.

Update – An additional poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Black Hollow Cage Film Poster


Black Hollow Cage Movie trailer

Black Hollow Cage MovieCheck out the first official trailer of Black Hollow Cage, the upcoming drama horror science-fiction thriller movie written and directed by Sadrac González-Perellón and starring Daniel M. Jacobs, Julian Nicholson, Marc Puiggener, Lucy Tillett, Lowena McDonell, Haydée Lysander, and Will Hudson:

Plot synopsis:
“Alice (Lowena McDonell), a thirteen year old girl, lives with her father, Adam (Julian Nicholson), in a huge house in the woods, following a car accident in which the girl lost her mother and part of her right arm. Alice is enclosed in herself. She hates her father and blames him for the accident, she hates rehabilitation and she hates the new electronic arm that she has to carry and can barely handle. In addition, she has a strong bond with Beatrice (Lucy Tillett), a female wolf dog that talks through an electronic translation device that it carries around its neck, whom she calls Mom. One day, Alice and Beatrice find a mysterious cubic artifact among the trees near the house. Through the cube Alice receives messages from who seems to be her future self, warning her of dire events that she must stop. In this context, Adam also carries a very different game: he finds Erika (Haydée Lysander) and Paul (Marc Puiggener), two young brothers wounded and helpless that he hosts and protects from a mysterious pursuer, David (Will Hudson). Alice is then prey to suspicion and mistrust; she and Beatrice are wary of the new inhabitants of the house and the unhealthy atmosphere that seems to have engulfed them all. After a terrible event, Alice, shattered and confused, wants to go back and change what happened. This time the cube could help her to alter the past.”

There’s something unsettling but appealing about the trailer of Black Hollow Cage. Damn, am hooked I want to know how the whole thing will turn out, yep, I definitely want to see this film!

There are also a few posters:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)

Black Hollow Cage Poster

The film has yet to get an official release date.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Black Hollow Cage.