Black Road

The movie Black Road: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Black Road Movie Trailer

Check out the official trailer of Black Road, the upcoming science-fiction thriller movie written and directed by Gary Lundgren:

Plot synopsis:
“In 2029 an ex-military drifter (Sam Daly) risks his life to protect a woman (Leilani Sarelle) from her dangerous ex in the lawless State of Jefferson. He’s aided by his A.I. implant Clyde (voiced by Andrew Wilson) who proves partner and friend.”

That A.I. implant looks is the product of some high tech wizardry! I guess there’s been a real technological revolution between now and 2029!

Here’s the film’s poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


The release date of Black Road is set to January 28, 2016.