I’m Not Ashamed

The movie I’m Not Ashamed: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

I’m Not Ashamed Movie Trailer

I'm Not Ashamed movieYou may watch below the official trailer of I’m Not Ashamed, the upcoming emo Christian biography drama directed by Brian Baugh based on a script by Philipa A. Booyens, Robin Hanley, Kari Redmond, and Bodie Thoene:


Inspired by real events.

On April 20, 1999
Rachel Joy Scott’s life was taken,
but her story lives on.

based on her personal journals.

Discover the courage to stand up, the strength to speak out, the spirit to inspire millions!

Plot synopsis:
“The Columbine Massacre of April 20, 1999 completely redefined America’s view of the lives of high school students. Drawn straight from Columbine victim Rachel Joy Scott’s words and journal entries, through the insight of her mother, Beth Nimmo, it is the true story of a high school student whose compassionate, caring faith caused her to reach out to fellow students including her killers who made her a target of their murderous plan.”

And here’s the film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


The inspiring true story of Rachel Joy Scott at Columbine High School.

The girl is cute, but one can but feel like the film is hijacking this terrible tragedy to proselytize and make a few bucks…

For those who need a refresher about the Columbine High School massacre, here’s a documentary fron the New York Times:

Haunted by Columbine | Retro Report Documentary | The New York Times
The killing of 12 students and a teacher at Columbine High School in 1999 continues to shape how we view and understand school shootings today.

The release date of the movie I’m Not Ashamed is set to October 21, 2016.