Lakeview Terrace

The movie Lakeview Terrace: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Lakeview Terrace Official Poster

Lakeview TerraceYou may see the official poster of Lakeview Terrace in higher resolution at:

Lakeview Terrace Poster

Lakeview Terrace is starring Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington and Patrick Wilson.

Lakeview Terrace Movie Pictures

Lakeview TerraceSome pictures from the movie Lakeview terrace are available at:

Lakeview Terrace Pictures

Lakeview Terrace is starring Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington and Patrick Wilson. It is directed by Neil LaBute.

Lakeview Terrace First Trailer

Lakeview TerraceYou may watch the first trailer of Lakeview Terrace, upcoming movie starring Samuel L. Jackson as a really mad cop:

Lakeview Terrace Official Trailer

Cops or priest are not virtuous by nature: they are humans with their flaws, like you and me. Do not bear a grudge against the whole institution, when some of the members lose their minds…

Lakeview Terrace

Lakeview Terrace - movie tag lineLakeview Terrace
Directed by Neil LaBute
Starring Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington, Patrick Wilson
Release Date: September 19, 2008

More Information at: Lakeview Terrace Trailer
