Let’s Give A Prayer

Dial A Prayer Movie Trailer

Let’s watch the trailer of Dial A Prayer, the upcoming drama comedy movie directed by Maggie Kiley and starring Brittany Snow, William H. Macy, Glenne Headly, Tom Lipinski, and Kate Flannery:

“Cora (Brittany Snow), a disenchanted and troubled young woman, begrudgingly answers phones at a Prayer Call Center under the watchful direction of its religious leader Bill (William H. Macy). When her prayers start making a difference, one caller shows up convinced he’s been saved by her voice. With the discovery of her newfound gift, Cora struggles to reconcile her troubled past and grapples with the faith that others have started to show in her.”

Don’t forget: every day is a beautiful beginning! And carpe diem!

The release date of Dial A Prayer is set to April 10, 2015.