My Dead Boyfriend

The movie My Dead Boyfriend: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

3 Clips of My Dead Boyfriend

My Dead BoyfriendWe’ve got our hands on three preview clips of My Dead Boyfriend, the upcoming romantic comedy movie starring Heather Graham, Katherine Moening, Scott Michael Foster, and John Corbett:

My Dead Boyfriend – Not responding

My Dead Boyfriend -Joey from Hoboken

My Dead Boyfriend – Drink
Plot synopsis:
“Mary’s life has been defined by a string of temp jobs and a half-hearted attempt to become a writer. But all that changes when she comes home to find her boyfriend dead in front of the TV set. During her misadventures in trying to get rid of his ashes – accidentally becoming the bassist in a rock band; bonding with the dog he left behind; awkward encounters with numerous ex-lovers; Mary discovers that there was much more to her couch potato boyfriend than she ever thought imaginable.”

If you were to get back home to find you boyfriend or girlfriend dead how would you react?

Release date: November 3, 2016.

My Dead Boyfriend Movie Trailer

My Dead Boyfriend MovieLet’s watch the official trailer of My Dead Boyfriend, the upcoming romantic comedy movie directed by Anthony Edwards from a script by Billy Morrissette and based on a novel by Arthur Nersesian and starring Heather Graham, Katherine Moening, Scott Michael Foster, and John Corbett:


Mary’s life hits a dead-end.
But by digging into the past she’s finding her way to a new future.

Plot synopsis:
“Mary’s life has been defined by a string of temp jobs and a half-hearted attempt to become a writer. But all that changes when she comes home to find her boyfriend dead in front of the TV set. During her misadventures in trying to get rid of his ashes – accidentally becoming the bassist in a rock band; bonding with the dog he left behind; awkward encounters with numerous ex-lovers; Mary discovers that there was much more to her couch potato boyfriend than she ever thought imaginable.”

And here’s the film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


Live it up.

Well, don’t wait for people to die to then try to know them… Anyway, she’s didn’t really love her boyfriend… and she met a young stallion thanks to the old man’s death, so I guess all is well…

The release date of the movie My Dead Boyfriend is set to November 3, 2016.