Poor Agnes

The movie Poor Agnes: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Poor Agnes Movie Trailer

Poor Agnes MovieCheck out the first official trailer of Poor Agnes, the upcoming psychological crime drama horror movie directed by Navin Ramaswaran based on a script by James Gordon Ross and starring Lora Burke, Amy Marie Wallace, Karen Scobie, Will Conlon, Robert Notman, Rodney Dwira, Stan Alto, Neil Paterson, Dennis Austin, Philip Contardo, and Kate Alice Phillips:

Plot synopsis:
“Agnes Poelzl is a vicious psychopath. She lives in a state of dreamy contemplation, her powerful mind twisted by insanity. Her talent, discipline, and focus are impressive, but her desires have led her down a path of violence and murder.
Mike Mercer (Robert Notman) is a private investigator researching a cold case. When his investigation leads him to Agnes, he has no idea what he’s getting himself into. Agnes seduces, captures, and locks Mike in her basement. She then begins a regimen of brutal psychological torture meant to brainwash him into a state of total compliance.
Chris Thomas is a computer technician who finds himself dating Agnes. He gets the sense that something is off with her, but her forwardness sweeps him off his feet. She is surprisingly tender with him at first, until she grows bored. Agnes then drags Chris into her nightmare.
Agnes, Mike, and Chris form a bizarre family, with Agnes as the twisted matriarch lording over her captives with regal authority. Mike struggles to keep his soul as Agnes’s willpower overwhelms him, while Chris begs to stay alive. No matter how grim the outlook is, Agnes always makes things worse. But as her crimes escalate, Agnes finds it increasingly difficult to avoid the police.”

There’s also a film poster, take a look below:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

Poor Agnes Movie Poster

I never feel sorry for the people i hurt.
Because I always hurt the right people.

If you ever spot Agnes on Tinder, just swipe left, you don’t want to meet her: she’s a damn crazy psychopath!

The film has yet to get an official release date.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie Poor Agnes.