Robot Wars

The movie Robot Wars: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

Robot Wars Movie Trailer

Robot Wars MovieYou may watch below the official trailer of Robot Wars (aka Kill Box), the upcoming first-person perspective action science-fiction movie written and directed by William L. Stewart and starring Ben Naasz, Teddy Canez, Jennifer Sydney, Faye Kingslee, Aaron Moreland, Javier Calderon, Willie Bingo, and Roy C. Patterson:

Plot synopsis:
“In the near future, powerful corporations at war with each other over advanced technology development rule over an industrial wasteland. Corporate espionage has reached new heights of infiltration and bloodshed.
A convict is offered a second chance at freedom, but there is a catch: he must help a team of corporate thieves steal secretive prototype technology from a rival company. With a surgically-implanted camera and data links, he joins the team of thieves to complete the heist.
However, the mission is quickly compromised. With no contact to their company, the team is forced to take their stolen prize out into the lawless industrial sprawl. Savage gangs and corporate death squads are hot on their trail, and even worse, the team must come to grips with the true nature of their missionā€¦.and the terrifying power of their stolen technology.”

Those robots remind me of the cylons from Battlestar Galactica!

There are also three film posters, take a look below:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)

The release date of the movie Robot Wars is set to April 11, 2017 on DVD/VOD.

Stay tuned for more details.