The Levelling

The movie The Levelling: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

The Levelling Movie trailer

The Levelling movieYou may watch below the trailer of The Levelling, the upcoming drama movie written and directed by Hope Dickson Leach and starring Ellie Kendrick, David Troughton, Jack Holden, and Joe Blakemore:

Plot synopsis:
“Somerset, England. Trainee veterinarian Clover Catto (ELLIE KENDRICK) returns to the farm where she grew up after hearing news that her brother Harry (JOE BLAKEMORE) has died – in what appears to be a suicide. Finding the family home in a state of horrendous disrepair following the 2014 floods that devastated the area, Clover is forced to confront her father Aubrey – about the farm, the livestock and, crucially, the details surrounding Harry’s death. Clover’s discoveries send her on an emotional journey of reckoning – with her family, her childhood and herself.”

Did the old man kill his son?

Anyway, there’s also a film poster, take a look below:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


The film has yet to get an official release date.

Stay tuned with us for more details about the movie The Levelling.