The Pass

The movie The Pass: trailer, clips, photos, soundtrack, news and much more!

The Pass Movie trailer

Russell Tovey, Nico Mirallegro, And Arinzé Kene In The PassCheck out the official trailer of The Pass, the upcoming drama movie directed by Ben A. Williams based on a script by John Donnelly and starring Russell Tovey, Arinzé Kene, Lisa McGrillis, Nico Mirallegro, and Rory J. Saper:


The night before the game of their lives.

Everything changed.

Plot synopsis:
“The night before their debut game, two professional soccer players share a kiss. In a sporting world where image is everything, this surprising ‘pass’ sets the men up for a contrasting decade of fame and failure, full of secrets and denial.”

A quote from the film: “The whole world is full of people pretending they’re someone they’re not.”

Here’s an earlier film poster:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)

The Pass Poster

The US release date of the movie The Pass is set to May 8, 2018 (on Digital and On Demand).

Stay tuned with us for more details.