Transformers 6 Movie, Transformers 7 Movie, and Transformers 8 movie
Brace yourself for at least three more Transformers movies besides Transformers 5! Yep, Stephen J.Davis, President of Hasbro Studios, just confirmed that Transformers 5 is under works but he also announced that Transformers 6, Transformers 7, and Transformers 8 are in the pipeline:
Stephen Davis, Hasbro – MIPJunior 2015
Transformers 5 (directed by Michael Bay) is currently listed for a release in 2017 by IMDB. So would Transformers 6 get released in 2020 and transformers 7 in 2023, then Transformers 8 in 2026?
Will Director Michael Bay come back for 6, 7, and 8? Well, I think likely that a new director will take over the franchise, but time will tell.
Anyway, stay tuned with us for more details about those new Transformers movies!