Mummy Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor Clips

The Mummy 3 Tomb Of The Dragon EmperorNew great preview clips of the Mummy 3, aka The Mummy Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, starring Brendan Fraser and Jet Li, have shown up:

Mummy 3 Preview Clips

Here we go again.
Rick O’Connell (Brendan fraser) and company witness Emperor Han come to life.

Fasten seatbelts!
The crew of passengers must hold on during a bumpy snow landing.

Tomb fight.
Alex O’Connell (Luke Ford) gets help from a shape-shifted Emperor Han.

Emperor Han who just transformed into a three-headed dragon takes Lin as his prisoner.

Crouching Tiger
Emperor Han (Jet Li) exchanges blows with Zijuan (the aging but still beautiful Michelle Yeoh)

Some nice special effects in the Mummy 3 besides Jet Li and Michelle Yeoh in the cast make the film really appealing. Probably the best Mummy movie ever!

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