Norm of the North Movie – Times Square Poster

Norm and his lemmings friends are walking around Time Squares in New York City on this new poster of Norm of the North, the upcoming CG adventure comedy animated movie directed by Trevor Wall based on a script by Jack Donaldson and Derek Elliott:

(Click on the poster to enlarge.)


From the Arctic circle to Times Square.

Plot synopsis:
“A polar bear of many words, Norm (Rob Schneider)’s greatest gripe is simple: there is no room for tourists in the Arctic. But when a maniacal developer threatens to build luxury condos in his own backyard, Norm does what all normal polar bears would do…he heads to New York City to stop it. With a cast of ragtag lemmings at his side, Norm takes on the big apple, big business and a big identity crisis to save the day.”

Do you think a polar bear would be out of place in Times Square?

The film will be released on January 15, 2016.

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