Mother and Child is an upcoming drama movie written and directed by Rodrigo Garcia. It is starring Naomi Watts, Annette Bening, Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington, Jimmy Smits, and David Ramsey. The film will be released on May 7, 2010. Here’s the first official movie trailer of Mother and Child:
“Three women’s lives share a common core: they have all been profoundly affected by adoption. KAREN (Annette Bening) had a baby at 14, gave her up at birth, and has been haunted ever since by the daughter she never knew. ELIZABETH (Naomi Watts) grew up as an adopted child; she’s a bright and ambitious lawyer, but a flinty loner in her personal life. LUCY (Kerry Washington) is just embarking with her husband on the adoption odyssey, looking for a baby to become their own.”
“Motherhood should be simpler than that”, I definitely agree! I already feel like I want to cry, but the movie Mother and Child still looks like a great movie!