You mayw atch below the official trailer of Wolf House, the upcoming horror movie directed by Matt D. Lord based on a script by Ken Cosentino and Elizabeth Houlihan and starring Jessica Bell, Ken Cosentino, Marcus Ganci-Rotella, Elizabeth Houlihan, Bill Kennedy, Marc Sturdivant, and Rick Williams:
The found something that should have been left alone.
“Six friends on a camping trip think they have discovered, and killed, a sasquatch. But what they have actually unleashed is something more evil, more ancient and more deadly than they could ever imagine – an army of supernatural terrors that will hunt them until no one remains.”
So, who’s afraid of the big, bad wolf? Big, bad wolf? Big, bad wolf? Tra-la-la-la-la!
There’s also a film poster, take a look below:
Ancient. Unknown. Unstoppable.
The release date of the movie Wolf House is set to January 17, 2017 (on DVD).
Stay tuned with us for more details.