Porcupine Lake Movie trailer

Porcupine Lake MovieCheck out the official trailer of Porcupine Lake, the upcoming female-driven coming-of-age romantic drama movie written and directed by Ingrid Veninger and starring Charlotte Salisbury, Lucinda Armstrong Hall, Delphine Roussel, Christopher Bolton, Hallie Switzer, and Harrison Tanner:

Plot synopsis:
“Two 13-year-old girls meet up early summer in Port Severn, a small town in Ontario, and become ‘more than best friends’. They share personal secrets, fears, grievances, and daredevil challenges. By the end of the summer, Bea and Kate have irrevocably influenced each other, and the course of their lives have changed in ways they can’t yet foresee. Inventive and daring, Veninger explores the vulnerability of being thirteen with insight and humor. Through an intimate and authentic portrait of Bea’s awakening into selfhood, this story invites us to imagine a new model for a young girl’s first love story — one told from the inside out.”

Flowers blossom and so does love!

There are also two film posters, take a look below:

(Click on a poster to enlarge.)

Porcupine Lake Movie Poster

A film by Ingrid Veninger.

The release date of the movie Porcupine Lake is set to August 14, 2018 (on DVD and VOD).

Stay tuned with us for more details.

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